Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Going back to blonde..

Tomorrow I am doing something that I haven't done in over two years - going back to blonde foils in my hair for a bit of a change.

There is a part of my mind that is telling me I am a little crazy to do something so high maintenance when I am about to have a baby - and then there is the other part telling me that it will make me feel refreshed and polished and pretty and not to worry about the maintenance factor.

These are my inspiration pics:

Kylie Gillies
Ashley Greene
I am leaning more towards the first one but any combination of the two would be just fine.

Not sure if I will brave a pic tomorrow afternoon to share with you all - we will see how it all turns out I think!

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  1. Hi Andj,

    I love both the pictures and I think it will be great for a refreshing change. I have two small children with foils in my hair and I enjoy that me time while I am having it done.


  2. I think you should go for it - I love your hair with a few blonde foils in it :) And I agree with Maryanne, a good excuse to have some time out from the kids! Nicole xx

  3. Thanks for the vote of confidence - I actually saw some pics taken part way through last year and that's what helped me make up my mind to go light again. I felt that the dark hair just make me look a bit washed out and dare I say it - old!
