Friday, June 17, 2011

Confession time...

We have been eating alot of good food lately....What? I can hear you say - surely that is a good thing? well yes it might be, however, when I say good food I mean home cooked and full of tasty things like butter and sugar!  Lots of yummy, yummy dinners and desserts and sweet baked treats! Great for the soul but not so great for the waistline!! Especially when there is an extra 5 - 7 kg sitting on my frame right now!

So this past week I got motivated - where did that come from? I really don't know.  I have gotten back to daily walking with B in the pram and have been loving how I feel afterwards so much. Getting out in the fresh (and sometimes freezing) air is so invigorating and I come home feeling full of energy and loving life. That in itself is very motivating.

I have also cleaned up my diet a bit this week and cut some of the crap and the scales have responded nicely. I'm having a tight first couple of weeks and eating Paleo style to wake my metabolism up and then as the exercise intensity increases over the next few weeks I'll up the calories a little.

My initial goal is to be able to run the full lap around Lake Burley Griffin (Bridge to Bridge ~ 5km), then to do the local Women's and Girls Jog-along each month to have a gauge for progress.

In other news, I have come to a good arrangement with my Gym. The childcare situation was not resolved, however I think the B is a little bit too high needs anyway - he hates being in the pram and wont sleep in there for any length of time so it probably wouldn't have worked like it did for Harris anyway. B can go into the creche at the gym when he is 5 months, until then they have put me on what is called and 'External' membership. I pay $3 per week to keep my membership open for the next 3 months until B is old enough, if I am able to get to the gym on the weekend I just have to pay $5 for a session. It is a good compromise because I don't know if I will be able to get to the gym but should the opportunity arise I still have the option. It is a win-win and I am happy!

In the mean time between now and that three month point where I can return to the gym on a regular basis I will continue with the walking/running and do some home based strength work to build up a good baseline.

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