Monday, July 18, 2011

Destined to hate school holidays forever...

It seems as though my life is going through the 7 stages of school holidays - just a theory I have come up with. It goes as follows:

Stage 1 School Days - You count down to the school holidays and can't wait - they are great!

Stage 2 - Uni Days - School holidays mean uni holidays and that means extra work which means extra cash - Yay!

Stage 3 - Working days (pre-children) - School holidays mean no traffic on the roads and a trip that would normally take 45 mins takes around 15. Downside - all the people at work with kids get preference for holidays at this time - but who would want to take holidays on school holidays right?

Stage 4 - The Toddler years - What the? All toddler related activities come to a dead holt on school holidays. How on earth am I going to entertain my 2 year old for the next two weeks!!!

Stage 5 - The school years when you are the parent
- how on earth are we going to do this - getting time off from work is impossible and everyday costs a fortune! Send them back to school!

Stage 6 - The grandparent years - OMG My children are dumping their kids on me now and stage 4 just repeats all over again!!!

So as far as I can tell - it doesn't get any better from here on in....

What brought all this on?

The insanity of Jimmy Giggle at Westfield this morning.

What was I thinking!!!!

(Apparently he is hot...who would have thunk it!)

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  1. Haha so true!! I now avoid the shops like the plague during school holidays! And yes very annoying that toddler stuff/playgroup is not on during that time. We go to the library now when that happens.

    Hilary xx

  2. Hilarious :) BTW I'm a cooker from scratcherer too :)
