I wrote a training plan up for myself last week and and it was to start next week (March 1st) but I decided to bring it forward a week and repeat the first week in order to start getting some base fitness.
I am glad I did because I had forgotten how tired that first week or so of training can make you and how good it is to be able to just take it easy. Tiredness for me is my number 1 demotivator!
I have a few things I need to do like post a side bar section with my short and long term goals and a ticker for the half marathon.
I think it is important to take it one day and one training session at a time because training first thing in the morning is very dependant on things like how well Action man slept during the night and the like. If it has been a good night and he sleeps until 6am then I can get out in the morning for a session. If not and it's not a work day I have to wait until it is his nap time and do spin bike session or circuit work.
I have been trying to get a few things organised and I have spent a couple of days doing a lot of cooking so there are things in the freezer on days that I just don't feel up to it.
I am a little nervous about having made this comittment to run a half in the next 6 months but as long as I take it slowly and keep my expectations low I think I can probably do it.
I have the first of my mini goals coming up on the 7th of March - the Women's and Girls Jogalong - which is a 6km organised run each month. 6km seems like nothing in the grand scheme of things but right now it is a fair distance for me.
It will all be OK in the end!

6 months to get fit enough to run a half marathon is a great goal Andj. It is really inspiring to see you fitting in training as well as working and looking after your little boy. You are doing really well.