Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quick Post

Just a quick post today as I am determined not to spend the whole of Harris's nap time at the computer. He is so unpredictable when he will wake up and I need a decent break from him and some alone time.

It's funny that I don't really count the gym as alone time, but I think that is because there are other people around as well.

I guess when I am alone I really like to be alone!

Got to test out my new HRM at the gym this morning and I am contemplating whether to take it back and exchange it for  a different model. As far as I can tell it doesn't give you an indication of calories burnt - although I may not have found it yet. But that is an aspect of my old HRM that I really enjoyed. That and I discovered that I could have bought the same model online - with the foot pod for about $20 more. I think I need to read the booklet again.

So I had my normal session on the bike at the gym this morning and was planning some weights, but then I was interrupted by Harris needing his nappy changed after that I had lost my flow and I decided to save the weights for Saturday morning.

Now - need to go and heat up my lunch so that I get to eat it in peace!

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  1. I've never been happy with my HRM; it was the most I could afford to spend at the time, but it really doesn't have the features I need. It DOES have a calorie counter thingie, but I never use that. I need one that times splits ...much more exxy, dammit.

    I checked Polar's website today and ws horrified at how much I need to spend to get what I want. Yikes.

  2. Hi Kek,

    The one I bought has time splits and I did find the calorie counter in the end. Unfortunately though all the other parts I need to make all the functions work are quite expensive - Foot Pod, GPS, Transmitter to upload info to computer etc. Thats OK for now though - I'm not going to be doing any of that hard core stuff for a little while yet.

