I have been thinking a lot about the title of my blog for a while now - Watch Mummy Run? Hmmn in all the time since I have changed over to this blog I haven't done very much running at all!
Anyone who is new to reading this blog (for whatever reason - if you are - Welcome!)might think I am a little delusional!
We you see - the story goes like this.
About 2 and a half years ago I was a hard core running convert. I breathed running and loved everything about it. I trained for and completed my first half marathon and then about two weeks later smashed my Elbow in a push bike accident. That set me out of action for around 8 weeks. I was just starting to get back into it when I discovered I was 6 weeks pregnant. Not expecting that bombshell!
In between the illness associated with early pregnancy I continued to run a little bit until around the 20 week mark - where I found it was starting to become too uncomfortable.
In February 2009 my little boy was born and immediately my thoughts turned back to when I could start running again. But as I was to find out - combining exercise with being a mum to a small baby isn't always that easy. Some weeks were great and others I found that if I did anything at all I was just too shattered and tired to look after bub accordingly. So I tended to put baby first. I figured that the weight I had put on during the pregnancy was coming off anyway (breastfeeding - doesn't work for everyone but was great for me) so why kill myself. I didn't have it in me to go for two hour long runs and languish in coffee shops on a Saturday morning anymore anyway.
When Harris was about 13 - 14 months I decided that I should start doing some form of regular cardio and that running was the easiest. So with no particular goal in mind other than getting out the door for a minimum of three times a week I started running again. Only this time, my body wasn't going to come to the party. I had been having trouble with my hip since having Harris but until now it had been quite manageable. The running, however, seemed to aggravate whatever was wrong with it and now I was finding myself practically disabled after each run. So I stopped running again. Thinking that it would ease up with a rest of a few weeks, and then I gave it another go. But no - it came straight back again. So I just gave up. Then as we got closer to thinking about another baby, I decided that I needed to be fitter and that I had to do something about my hip. So off I went to the physio - and Erica with her magic needles and manipulative techniques fixed me after about 6 weeks of sessions.
Then - wouldn't you know it - I was pregnant again!
I decided to just let it be and not worry about the running again until I have had this baby - healed and am able to give it my all again. So the passion and desire is most definitely still there.
I look at all the trails in the hills around Canberra and think about how good a trail run that would be, and plan long run courses in my mind. I voraciously live through other runners who are able to be out there and doing it. I think about the day in the future when I can travel overseas and participate in massive Marathon festivals - just for the experience of being there.
I can't wait!

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