Monday, November 1, 2010

Working Hard

I feel like I have been working hard in all parts of my life this past week. Hence the lack of posting. I am working on a project at work at the moment that is very mentally demanding and I have found myself drifting back into some negative thinking patterns that only serves to cause me more stress than I really need to have. The project will be over by then end of the year however, so I am setting myself some goals to achieve and hopefully then I will feel a little better.

Since recovering from my mystery illness last week (the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong) I have started to feel much much better. But with all the busyness of work I haven't managed to completely get back into my exercise routine as yet. I even forgot our wedding anniversary last week! (Is that a bad sign when you have only been married three years?)

All I am really aiming for is to get my heart rate up enough to burn off around 300 calories in a session. So that is a longer flat(ish) walk or half an hour on the recumbent bike followed by some strength work, or a hill walk on the treadmill for half an hour followed by some weights. Usually by then end of that I have had enough. Ideally I would like to be doing this each day but so far it has only been around twice a week. But hey - it's better than nothing!

I have also been trying to spend some quality time relaxing and chilling out each day. Just spending some time to look after my mental health as well. I think it is working - although it is difficult to say for sure.

No gym for me today because Harris has some sort of respiratory thing going on and I think it is safer to keep him away from the creche!

A few pics from Today's walk:

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1 comment:

  1. I miss going riding where you went walking today. It must be gorgeous at the moment.
