Saturday, March 26, 2011

Uncontrollable Nesting!!

It is only in the past week or so that the nesting instinct has really started to kick in for me this pregnancy. I have had a couple of days here and there where I have felt the need to clean but just this past weekend I realized that I could go into labour at any point now and I really haven't got things sorted.

It might have something to do with the fact that my good friend who was due two weeks ahead of me had her baby yesterday  - I suddenly thought to myself - Oh my goodness - if that happened tonight things are not sorted out for the my husbands sister to come and easily look after Harris. There is loads and loads of washing to be done, the house is an absolute mess, things are not in their usual easy to find places, there is no pre-prepared food in the freezer, Harris has no clean clothes. I need to get on top of all these things Stat!

In my heart of hearts I know that none of it really matters - my Husbands sister will figure things out - but the thought processes surrounding the nesting instinct mean that I have to get this all sorted and keep it that way from now until the baby comes.

Pregnancy is such a funny time - I am completely over it - but I need to look at the funny side of these things and appreciate them because we aren't planning on doing this again!

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  1. Hi
    Popping in from AMB to follow you and check out your blog.
    Good luck and enjoy!


  2. Oh I know this feeling well! Sadly it is not the easiest thing to achieve with a 39 week along belly!

  3. Yes! Although it won't stop us trying Nicole!!xo
