Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday Coffee Anyone?

And we are back to Wednesday...all I can say is Phew - I'm glad that's over! I have just spent the morning at a friends house (after going for coffee - of course), crying on her shoulder about how I just don't know if I am going to make it through the next two (possibly more) weeks. After yesterday (which I won't go into the details of but suffice to say that I had to call the Hubby home from work) I was feeling like a particularly bad mother and being unable to cope with the demands and physicality of the two year old - all I want to do for the next two weeks is hide in my bedroom and only worry about looking after me.

Not make anyone's dinner or get them a 'snack' - especially when breakfast was only 10 minutes earlier.

Not play 'car's' on the living room floor.

and especially not get pummeled, kicked, head butted of jumped on in the name of love. (The one on the inside doesn't count)

I fear I am spiralling into mopeyness - I'd best go and watch some quality pay TV and hope that it all floats away after a good rest.

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  1. Sending you strength Angj.

    Love Shelley xxx

  2. I understand totally! I am now three days over due and I just want to get on with it. But at the same time I am not at all sure how I will cope with three kids! Take it easy and try to be calm, it will work out in the end.
