Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Getting to grips with blogging again...


I feel like I am trying to find my feet with blogging again. Back when I was working still I had all this time to think about what I was going to blog and to write down ideas and think about blog posts...and now...I'm lucky if I can string two thoughts together in my head.

There just seems to always be more things that I want to achieve/read/think about that is possible in the day.

I am even having trouble keeping up with the blogs I want to read via Google Reader!

I just bought the Planning with Kids book - because while I am a gun at being Organized - I always like to read other people's ideas - especially when I now have a temperamental 2 year old.

I am also thinking about keeping H boy home for an extra day each week - however if I do that then I need to have a few more solid plans in place for structuring our days at home.

I think that I need a book to write all this down in - hopefully I can make a bit more sense of it all!

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1 comment:

  1. You are doing a great 'job' of a mum of two - it's not easy is it?

    I have a nearly 7 year old and a nearly 2 year old and some days I still feel like I don't have it all organised (but same as you love to be an organised person).

    I find the more I write down and pre plan the more I get done
