Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time to start being around here a bit more

Baby B is 3 months old now - doesn't time fly! Blogging has really been last on my list of priorities as when B sleeps I usually have a million and one other things to do - or I am watching something trashy on Foxtel like How to look good naked or What Not To Wear USA.

As you can see from the pic  - we got our first delivery from Aussie Farmers Direct today. I thought that I would give it a go and see if it worked for us. While I prefer to go to the farmers markets I was finding that it didn't really work with my shopping/meal planning schedule all that well. Aussie Farmers Direct deliver here on a Thursday and that works out much better.

I am quite impressed with it so far.  Something unexpected I have liked is the reduction in plastic bags!

B at the park all rugged up in his Maya wrap.

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  1. Hi Andj, cant believe bub B is 3 months old now - time flies!!

    Just wanted to ask your opinion of the Maya wraps? I've been looking at getting a ring/sling/wrap for bub number 2 (I've already got a Baby Bjorn) so I'm wondering if you'd recommend the Maya Wraps? I've heard good things about them and they are on my shortlist of ones to research!


  2. Hi Hilary, I love it and get so many positive comments. It is really comfortable to use. Takes a bit of practice though and I recommend going to a babywearers group near you for tips. A friend gave me some pointers and I found it much better after that.

