Have you seen these cool sweat bands from Lorna Jane yet? I saw them in an email the other day and instantly thought they were just great. This was the kind of thing I was looking for to keep me going when I was running. Just something small that you can look down at an perk yourself up. I was thinking about maybe getting one next week as a reward for myself if I manage to stay on track.
As I mentioned in the previous post - last week was a bit of a write off. Both with food and exercise - although I did get to the gym once! I though perhaps that this week I should try and make a more structured plan so I have a few things to aim for and tick off my list - and I can just hope that I don't get a sick child this week to throw a spanner in the works.
I went to the physio today about my hip and almost jumped for joy that finally I have found someone who 'get's it' - she is hard core and really knows her stuff. Turns out my hip hasn't been sitting in the joint properly all this time! No wonder I have had range of motion issues. So she did a bit of manipulation and taped me up, diagnosed issues with my hip flexor/ sacroilliac joint stabilization (funny how that was what I thought was wrong 6 months ago) - back again next week. Right now it is all aggrevated and sore and I can feel the muscles wanted to pull things back to the way they are comfortable with. I meanwhile am trying my hardest to be conscious of how I am standing and sitting and attempting to stay balanced and not put my weight all on one side!
I also bought myself a subscription to the healthy food guide magazine today - I have a couple of old issues that I refer to again and again - plus I really like the nutritional information that this magazine provides.
I have had a few moments to think this week and while most of the things I think about during these times end up being filtered out by other things- one thing stuck. One of the biggest parts of my internal vocabulary is "I can't". When I really listen to myself I find myself thinking this a lot. A good example if working out - if I don't make it to the gym then thats it "I can't" workout today because I missed my opportunity.
"I can't make healthy food choices because I am feeling low and making the healthy choice won't give me the pick up that I need"
I can't possibly run on the treadmill - it is so boring"
Really - it all comes down to reframing BUT it is catching yourself in the act in order to reframe that can be difficult.
So my Main goal for myself this week: is to be more present with my internal self talk thoughts and attempt to figure out just how many times I tell myself I can't and what it the rationale behind it.
+ Drink only decaffinated coffee all week
+ Drink water despite the cold weather (I can't drink water I will get cold!!!!)
+ participate in four planned exercise sessions - Choosing from the following list below:
- Home cardio DVD - Outdoor hill walk and strength session using body weight - Cardio at the gym - Home based circut session for 50 minutes.
I will report in on progress on Wednesday and be back for a full update next weekend - Will I earn my motivational Sweat bands????

Go for it mate, sounds like you are on the right track. I bet you get those sweat bands!
ReplyDeleteI hope you nail down some of those goals, I know that with kids I have a rough plan and have to be prepared to change course at any time :)