So it has been a little while since I ventured to the gym, but I thought that it might be good to try and get back in the habit of going just a couple of times a week - if only because I am paying them $20 a fortnight!
Harris has been to the creche at the gym many many times before - but today he wasn't having a bar of it.
He lost the plot totally and within 8 minutes of being on the Elliptical, the girl from the creche was coming out to get me to settle him down.
He was all heaving sobs like it was the worst thing that had ever happened to him. He just wouldn't calm down. Eventually he did start playing with the toys again on his own. So I thought I would go out to the window and show him where I was so he knew that I wasn't actually gone. But nope - he wasn't having that either.
So now we have to go back to sqaure one with the gym creche and get him used to the people and the space all over again. I can only hope that today's experience wasn't totally scarring for him - otherwise it could be really hard.
What sux even more is that I only want to go during a crech time once a week! If I can't go then - I will have to upgrade my membership and pay more for a gym I barely use right now!
So frustrating.

Tha'd be really frustrating Andrea. I hope you can get him used to it again...