I have been thinking a lot about blogging this past weekend - why? I'm not really sure. Partly I think because sometimes I like to use the blog to explore ideas and thoughts in my mind - written down.
But then I was thinking "if I start blogging again regularly I have to keep doing it all the time." I feel a lot of pressure to do that. Perhaps that isn't such a bad thing.
Anyway I digress from my news....We are pregnant for the second time! I am 10 weeks along right now and I *think* that I am starting to begin to feel a little bit better. Although I have to admit that I haven't really felt all that ill at all this time around.
It is really SOOO different to last time. I have put on hardly any weight so far which feels really good and I have not really been super tired like I was last time either. It seems to be a whole lot more comfortable - which is great.
Exercise has been limited to walking because I have been having a lot of trouble with my Sacro-Illiac Joint again. it is hard though because on the days that I walk I am absolutely shattered a few hours later and I need a nap. You know like when you have gone too hard at the gym and you have that insane fatigue?
Anyway I find that if I save the walk until the afternoon it makes it a bit easier to sleep at night.
So I think that I am going to try and blog a little bit more frequently - last time I found that it was a good way to track how everything was movign along.

ReplyDeletedouble congrats!
ReplyDeleteTriple congrats! Are you going to find out the sex this time as well?
ReplyDeleteThanks all - yes we will find out what we are having again. I enjoy knowing!