Monday, October 11, 2010

Meals and Marathons

This is dinner tonight - I've never cooked it before but it should be nice with some steamed veges.

It is the usual story for me today - feeling rubbish. I have spent most of the day lazing on the couch with the H boy watching Nick Jr and ABC kids.
I don't mind him watching TV if I am doing it with him!

I have just finished reading the Race report from the Chicago Marathon from Meghan  @ Meals and Miles and I so have a new long term goal now. Just the sheer size and awe of the marathon event! I want to do that one day! I think I'll aim for a marathon here in Aus first though lol.

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  1. I'd love to do an overseas marathon :) Sign me up!

  2. Hey Andj!!!
    I just found you again! kept going to your old blog I think?

    Anyway, just to let you know I'm waiting on a e mail from the nutritionist, I just wanted to check if it was ok to pass her deatils on, ya know out of courtesy really.

    Glad your preg is going well, whats your due date now? I think we are quite close.

    Shar x
