Tuesday, November 30, 2010

One Small Change for 2011

I don't know if anyone else has come across this website before but One Small Change is committed to helping people make greener choices and live more gently on our planet.

I admit that I have been much much more conscious of the chemicals, toxin, additives, colours and preservatives that are used in different products and generally living in a more environmentally friendly way since having Harris. But I do admit to being less focused on it all since returning to work.

I figure that now I am finished with the studying that was taking up so much of my brain I may well have some more time to devote to thinking about all of this again.

In 2011, I will be on Maternity leave again for the majority of the year - what better time to try and focus my mind and habits back to this again.

So I am making a committment to participating in One Small Change for all of 2011 - starting now in 2010.

My focus for this month is Recycling. I am going to think everytime I go to put something in the bin - could this go into the recycling? 
This is something I am really lazy about. I will just throw something in the normal bin because that is what happens to be closest - even if it is recycleable.
The other thing I will do this month is make a commitment to using only paper that we currently have in our house for wrapping Christmas presents. So this means
  • using up the multiple rolls of leftover Christmas paper from years gone by.
  • Using the roll of Brown paper and ribbons that I have lying around the craft room
  • Using special paintings that Harris has been doing for this very purpose! (We started on those today!!)

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