Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why do I take personal offence...

When my child does not eat the dinner I so lovingly prepared, but instead chooses to throw the spaghetti all over the floor. It really really leaves my blood boiling - even though I know that he isn't even 2 and I know that he isn't doing it on purpose.

Who knows! I think that I just get to feeling grumpy in general when all I can see in the house is mess and then he goes and makes some more. Add that to the fact that the dinner involved approximate every single pot and pan in the kitchen - including the food processor - and I get to feeling generally down about how much cleaning I have in front of me.

Can you tell I dislike cleaning? seems as though I may have a lot in my future...with TWO boys in my life. The new baby is a boy too...

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  1. Congratulations on two boys Andrea :) I reckon same sex siblings work really well - at least it has for me. The girl bit was a total surprise (I have 3 brothers)

  2. Thats cool Andrea, as Liz said I think when the siblings are close together that its nice to have the same sex, but then thats easy for me to say I have a girl, you may have wanted one of each.
    Glad all is well and the picture you posted is cool, profile pics are so cute.
    Shar x

  3. Congrats Andrea!! Thats exciting, and at least you know how to deal with a boy!

    I take personal offence too when Skye refuses to eat something that took ages to cook! Especially when they like it one week, and then refuse to eat it the next - so frustrating! No doubt we have years of this ahead of us!

    Hil xx

  4. Congratulations Andrea, that's great news :)
